This is the latest in the series titled “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on a company named Sockeye Licensing TX, LLC.

Sockeye owns a pair of patents broadly related to controlling a “display device” with a mobile phone. In simple terms

Famed director Quentin Tarantino and production company Miramax settled their infringement lawsuit over non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) before the US District Court for the Central District of California could weigh in on the merits of the claims, leaving us with far more questions than answers when it comes to the development of intellectual property law around

Federal agencies recognize that what was once treated as an intangible asset—that is, how “green” a company or its products may be—has developed into a true value-add.  A year ago, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that as a part of its modified ten-year regulatory review schedule, it would be reviewing and revising its