This is the latest in the series titled “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on NPE litigation as a whole, and what to expect in 2023.

The vast majority of patent infringement cases are filed by nonpracticing entities, or “NPEs”. These companies

This is the latest in the series titled “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on a company named Ridgeview IP.

Ridgeview IP is an IP Edge entity responsible for 14 total lawsuits, six of which are still active. (Read more about IP

This is the latest in the series titled “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on a company named Triumph IP.

Triumph IP claims to own a patent on technology that is vital to the 802.11 WiFi protocol—specifically, a feature relating to collision

This is the latest in the series titled “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on a company named Foothills IP.

Foothills IP is a non-practicing entity located in Texas, and owner of a single patent enforced through short term patent litigation (U.S.

Welcome to the first installment of “NPE Showcase,” where we discuss high-volume non-practicing entities (or as some call them, “patent trolls”). This installment will focus on a company named Cedar Lane Technologies and their recent patent enforcement efforts.

Cedar Lane is one of the more prolific NPEs in the patent enforcement market. A Canadian company